
All Aboard for the Benefits of Train Travel

by Kristen Gilbert

October 04, 2016

2 minute read

Everything old is new again. Travelling by train has gone underappreciated in some areas of the world, but it’s making a comeback. Trains are seeing an increase in passengers, and the reason why is no great mystery. Travelling by train is fantastic! They’re scenic, convenient, economical and comfortable. Journeys by train can even be a vacation in themselves. What’s not to love?

See amazing scenery

swiss alps

It’s incredibly relaxing to sit and watch the world go by as you chug your way through the countryside and urban areas, over bridges and through tunnels. The gentle rocking motion of the train may even set you up nicely for a little cat nap.

Convenience is key

passenger train

Trains are so easy to board! Just walk up to the platform and hop on your train. You can carry a whole lot of baggage with you, and if you miss your train, there’s a good chance another one will be along shortly.

Trains are economical

train interor

Train tickets very economical. That means that you can budget for train travel and purchase tickets at the last minute and not have to worry about hitting any financial snags. Trains also let you carry on a lot of baggage before charging a fee. Oh, and did we mention the free Wi-Fi and places to plug in all of your gadgets? Yup. Trains have that too.

Feel free to move about the cabin!

rail interior

Train travel allows you to get up and walk around any time you like. Would you like a snack? Absolutely! Go get one. You can even bring your own if you want to. Do you want to go...outside? You can do that too, just wait until the train stops and you can hop off and stop to smell the roses.

The charm of yesteryear

train oldfashioned

 Long, multi-night trips can be a very big treat. Many overnight trains still have dining cars with silverware, fine china and even cloth napkins! Uniformed wait staff bring full service meals while you watch magnificent scenery whiz by. There will probably even be flowers on your table.

With all this great stuff to enjoy on a train, how could you not give it whirl just once? You may even be a “train person” and you just don’t know it yet.

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