notes from a journey through scotland and england

1 minute read

Royal Mile 

Edinburgh, Scotland

Waking up in Scotland, getting to walk the Royal Mile and feel the history at Edinburgh Castle, was to experience a completely different, almost unimaginable time.

England Countryside 

The Lake District, England

The countryside of England was beyond beautiful and was paired with one-of-a-kind experiences.

Signing the Wall at the Cavern Club 

Liverpool, England

I loved getting to sign the wall at the Cavern Club and feel the energy of The Beatles all around Liverpool. Also getting to learn about Strawberry Field, not only a new addition to Beatles tourism but also a place where The Salvation Army has created opportunities for young people with learning disabilities through their steps to work program.


Bath, England

The other highlight in England for me was Bath and The Bath Museum. The ancient architecture was overwhelmingly beautiful, and I was blown away to be so close to so many ancient artifacts and buildings.

The whole trip was an amazing way to experience the UK for the first time and our Tour Manager made it even better with her passion and vast knowledge of history in the UK!

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