Dream Trip: Greece Island Hopper

2 minute read

For over a decade, I’d been talking about going to Greece and I finally had my sights set for visiting in 2021. But like so many other travel plans, I had to postpone this one due to COVID. As luck would have it, I started working for Collette soon after. When I saw the Greece Island Hopper tour, I knew it was everything that I wanted for my trip, so I decided to try out a guided tour! 


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From the moment that we arrived in Athens, our Tour Manager, Savvas Papasavvas, was amazing and made us feel like old friends. He showed us his beautiful country with such skill, enlightened us with his historical knowledge of each place, and gave us all the information we needed to get around in our free time. I loved the combination of touring with the group and time on our own to explore. By far, having Collette get us from place to place and island to island with Savvas leading us was my favourite part about the tour. 


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This was my first guided tour. I love to travel and I’m usually the one that coordinates everything. For this trip in particular, since there were so many logistics—transfers to and from the airport, ferry rides, and a flight back to Athens—it was so nice to have all of that taken care of. Collette even has a great system for getting your bags where they need to go (they tell you what time to leave them outside of your room and then they deliver to your room in the next destination!). It was all just so easy and seamless! I’m so used to planning everything—having this done by Collette made it so much more relaxing.


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I am so thrilled to work for a company that provides these amazing life experiences for people. This was a dream trip for me and now it just feels like a dream!

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