How to Pack with Just a Carry-On

2 minute read

I packed for my three-week honeymoon with one carry-on suitcase. If I can do it, anyone can. I love my accessories, getting dressed up for a special occasion, and looking my best, especially when I’m doing my favourite thing: Travelling the world. You’d think that packing light for a big trip would be impossible and take forever. Well… it’s not as hard as you’d think.

Here are my top tips for maximizing space and styling staples to be able to travel light, whilst looking good!

  • Roll your clothes – it can be a little time-consuming, but you’ll definitely fit more into the smaller suitcase.
  • Bring a pair of black pants. Everything matches with black pants, so they become a staple to many outfits. No one will know if you are repeating a part of your outfits.
  • I’m stealing this advice from J Crew but it’s brilliant and I live by it: make 8 outfits from 4 things: a skirt, a shirt, pants, and a scarf. Mix and match and choose classic-colored pieces. Accessorize them with that scarf (or two) and you’ll always have a fresh new take on your wardrobe.
  • Accessorize with a thin scarf or headband that adds a pop of flair in a way that doesn’t take much room.
  • Shoes – you don’t need heels on holiday. Even at a nice dinner. Also – brown shoes or black?That is the big question. Once you have a colour scheme, work with that for the entire trip. If you’re choosing black shoes, select pants, shirts, and accessories that will work with that.
  • Avoid patterned blouses. Others will instantly know when you’ve repeated an outfit if you have a shirt with prominent patterns, florals, plaids, or logos. Stick with solid colours and add your flair with accessories.
  • Dresses are great, especially in warmer climates. Comfortable dresses are the way to go. With dresses, you are packing an outfit that is one item of clothes versus two. Plus… you’re creating two looks – casual explorer by day, sophisticated by night. A lot of dresses can be casual and then dressed up at night with jewellery and lipstick.

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