Go Behind the Scenes with the Collette Team: Tour Designer Samantha K

1 minute read

What are you most excited about for this travel season?

We have a new Spotlight on Boston tour and I’m so excited for it. Last year, travellers embraced exploring in their own backyards. This tour features New England's most charming, historic locales. Boston is such a cool city – from the Salem Witch Trials to Lexington and Concord, we embrace the city’s fascinating history. We meet the people (and their accents) and try the food (New England clam chowder and a cannoli? Need I say more?).

Boston Skyline

And our Tours-in-Demand are back and better than ever. Tours like Shades of Ireland, Italian Vistas and the National Parks of America still top our list of Traveller Favorites. The creators behind these bring you so many new tours that we know will join the rank of Favorites for our travelers!

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