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As a company that is focused on being responsible everywhere we go, we are always working to ensure that not only are our guests having a positive experience, but the community is also benefitting from our visit in some way. Our work in Ecuador is an excellent example of what happens when we achieve this important symbiosis. Whether it's working alongside the locals to paint a school or plant a garden, everyone comes away feeling a little better than they did before.
Responsible holidays offer travellers an immersive experience that is in part a traditional tour exploring all the must-sees, but is also an opportunity to really connect with locals to make travel a force for good. These tours include volunteer opportunities and in-depth cultural immersion. Travellers return home feeling not only relaxed, but with an increased sense of purpose and connectedness to the world.
Many of the communities that we work with are striving to achieve their goals. These goals, for example, may be to establish a community garden, provide an education to disadvantaged children, or start a nutrition program to teach families how to prepare affordable and nutritious meals at home.
No matter what the goal, our guests are excited to work alongside the locals and embrace their mission. These interactions create bonds between people who likely would not have otherwise met. Locals and visitors learn from each other, exchange ideas, and grow together.