You’ll Love Quirky, Kind and Colourful Newfoundland and Labrador

3 minute read

The island of Newfoundland and Labrador in the region of Atlantic Canada has something very special about it. In fact, it’s not just a something. It’s an everything. From the colourful characters you’ll meet along your travels and the stories they have to tell, to the amazing food made from beautifully coloured vegetables, herbs and fish, to the cheerfully painted houses and vibrant wildlife, this is a refreshingly different part of the globe that you’ll love to explore.

Brightly painted houses

newfoundland stjohns canada

The brightly painted houses, fences and outdoor furniture will put you in a cheery mood instantly. Jellybean Row is an area of downtown St. John’s in Newfoundland Canada, where, as legend has it, the Victorian row houses are painted in bright, cheerful colours so that sailors heading home from sea can see their houses from a distance, even through the fog.

Whilst the legend may or may not be true, the result is one of the most cheerful and colourful places you can ever hope to see. The neighbourhood is like a giant coloring book splashed in hues with clever names like “Ferryland Downs,” “Little Heart’s Ease,” “Bristol’s Hope,” and “Mollyfodge.” Be prepared to see colours you never knew existed and maybe even find your new favorite! Are you more of a “Foggy Dew” person or a “Charmer?”

Place Names

As if the houses weren’t colourful enough, the names of places are equally colourful and interesting. Visit places called Heart’s Content, Heart’s Delight, Jerry’s Nose and Blow Me Down. The stories behind the names are every bit as interesting as the names themselves. A local will be happy to tell you everything you want to know.


mediterranean cod

Originally built on necessity and scarcity in a rugged land, the cuisine in this region is brimming with local ingredients that have been used for generations and perfected into a collection of hearty country cooking staples. Ingredients like cod, wild game, cold-weather vegetables and berries are all put to perfect use in casual, stick-to-your-ribs comfort foods.

But for all the traditional recipes that have been passed down for generations, this region is experiencing a revolution in its culinary landscape, drawing foodies from all over to check out the raw beauty of traditional dishes with a modern, fine-dining twist. This is truly a very hot culinary destination and quite possibly the best food you can find in Canada right now.


newfoundland atlantic puffins canada

Just like the rest of the region, there’s plenty of colour in the form of wildlife to be found. From colourful jellyfish that the locals call “bubbly squalls,” to a huge population of Atlantic puffins and 22 species of whales breaching and splashing back into the water left and right, the sea provides plenty of entertainment for animal lovers, but that’s not all! There are lots of magnificent land animals to enjoy as well.

Screeching in

With so many wonderful things about the island, you’ll definitely want to become an honorary member of the community. This is called being “Screeched In.” It’s a ceremony that involves kissing a codfish on the mouth (usually frozen or plastic) and following it with a shot of Newfoundland Screech, a type of rum sold on the island. It’s a very touristy thing to do, but you should do it anyway just so you can have the full experience.

Put Newfoundland and Labrador tourism on your bucket list!

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