Explore all the places we go in Asia
Destination Must-See's
Destination Must-Do's

Witness the art of traditional Ama pearl divers:
Believed to be a 2,000 year old practice, the Ama (海女 “sea women”) were known to dive for shellfish and seaweed. These fascinating women were honoured for their findings and their tradition has since been included on the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage list. Today, travellers can visit Ise-Shima, Japan to watch these skilled divers search the sea floor for shellfish and pearls.
Cook in Vietnam:
Traditional Vietnamese cooking is admired for its fresh ingredients, minimal use of dairy and oil, and focus on herbs and vegetables to create flavour. It’s healthy and delicious! Travel to Vietnam and enjoy a cooking demonstration with a local chef. Explore the regional cuisine as much as you can.

Visit the Taj Mahal in Agra, India:
The Taj Mahal in Agra is often called the greatest monument ever built to eternal love. It is considered the most aesthetically perfect structure in the world and is made entirely of brilliant white marble. The Taj Mahal was constructed by Shah Jahan, a forlorn emperor in memory of his favourite wife who died in childbirth. All who visit stand in total awe of its beauty and size.

Visit the Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic in Sri Lanka:
Located in Kandy in the royal palace complex, this gilded temple is revered by Buddhists the world over. It is considered to be the place that holds the actual tooth of Buddha. The tooth itself plays an important political role since it is thought that whoever holds the tooth also holds political power.